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메르켈 탄소세도입 본격추진(화)2019-05-07

by 오렌지훈 2019. 5. 7.

메르켈 탄소세도입 본격추진(화)2019-05-07

메르켈이 탄소세 도입에 본격 행보하고 있습니다. 

독일의 탄소세 도입은 가까운 시일에 

유럽전체가 이를 택한다는 것을 의미합니다. 

 배출권거래제도가 제한적인 정책이라면  탄소세는 전 산업이 

추가 비용을 지불하는 것입니다. 유럽이 자국업체들에게만

 낮아진 가격경쟁력을 강요할거 같진 않습니다. 

FTA가 체결된 우리에게도 탄소비용 지불은 

무역장벽이 될 수 밖에 없습니다. 미리 준비치 않으면 탄소덩어리인

 우리 제품들이 유럽시장에서 팔리기 어려운 날들이 오겠죠



Merkel Weighs German Carbon

 Prices to Speed Pollution Cuts

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Germany is considering whether to impose a tax on carbon pollution or push to expand the existing European market in an effort to speed up the pace of reducing greenhouse gases.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling for putting a price on the emissions from industries such as transport and buildings that are outside the European Union’s carbon trading program. It isn’t a matter of whether, but how Germany will make the move, she indicated in a little-reported April podcast.

Federal Environment Agency 2018

*CO2, methane, nitrous oxide **Trade, services

Lawmakers in Berlin this week debated the implications of Merkel’s announcement, with some cautioning about the strain it would put on the economy as growth wobbles and power generators work to close coal plants. Businesses and households already pay about 25 billion euros ($28 billion) a year on green-energy subsidies, making Germany’s power bills the highest in the EU after Denmark.

The search is on for a policy to curb carbon emissions that’s “compatible with the economy,” Merkel said. Her coalition could expand the EU carbon market to all industries or introduce a new tax. The chancellor wants a decision by the end of the year.

★ 독일, 탄소세 도입 가속화, 재생에너지 수혜 

[유진투자증권 에너지/스몰캡 ] 


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